Caitlin Shoemaker, @FrommyBowl, has a natural affinity for della bowls. Coming reguarly for 2 years since we opened, Caitlin has tasted everything we have, shot a ton of photography, and tried her hand at replicating della bowls at home, using her own ingredients and della sauces.
Caitlin joins us for an afternoon to share her tricks and tips for preparing, creating, styling, and photographing della bowls at home. She then invites you for her favorite part.... to enjoy your innovated della bowl. RESERVE YOUR SEAT
Meet awesome people, play with yummy plant-based food, learn tricks and techniques you can use at home, incorporte new ingredents (some not yet used in della bowls) and walk away with a full belly and tons of great pics.
Who knows? YOU might be the person who creates the next house favorite della bowl!
Don't delay, seats are limited. And, don't be late the day-of. So much fun and so little time.
See you under the della test kitchen tent!