Farewell, Wynwood: These Are The Amazing Things We Achieved Together [INFOGRAPHIC]

It’s hard to believe that almost four years have passed since we broke ground on four vacant lots on 29th Street in Wynwood to begin building what would become our magical space, The Wynwood Yard. Since we opened in November 2015, we have all accomplished and created so much together with you, making The Wynwood Yard a thriving community gathering space where people from all walks of life are welcome.

Thanks to you—our stakeholders— and your unending support, encouragement and patronage, The Yard has evolved and blossomed. We're deeply grateful to you for being a part of our extended family. Thank you for taking our special space and making it your own. Thank you for sharing your unique magic with our community. From the bottom of our hearts, we couldn’t be more grateful to have shared these experiences with you.

We look forward to creating many more magical moments with all of you at The Doral Yard, opening in late 2019. Follow us on our Instagram account to keep up to date with the latest news and Grand Opening date! Until we meet in Doral, farewell.

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Hello, 2018! What Lies Ahead for the Yard [Infographic]

Happy new year to The Wynwood Yard community! You--our stakeholders--have helped us create this place and we are so grateful to you. So we thought we’d take a minute to reflect on what we have all created together at The Wynwood Yard in 2017 and what lies ahead in 2018. Thank you to our guests, team members, entrepreneurs, sponsors, event partners, musicians and artists for contributing your loyalty, love, and talents to this magical space.

We welcome your thoughts on this new year as well. We have created a survey to get your feedback on what draws you to The Wynwood Yard and what you would love to see in the coming year.

Thank you to the members of our team who worked to collect the information and create this infographic, particularly to Genesis Cosme, our graphics wunderkind!
