by Franchesca de la Cruz and Julie Frans
Keeping your Beer Cold Helps the Environment
Social drinking is a ritualized act. Certain "social norms" of consumption make the setting appropriate or acceptable. For example, when we are out at a bar with friends, ordering multiple drinks that come in plastic cups, do we question it? Do we consider that not only do plastic cups not keep beer cold, but how many plastic cups are being thrown away after only being used once?
Our automatic behavior is to order another beer and another (and another?) in ANOTHER plastic cup--doubling, tripling, quadrupling (!) the waste when we throw away the (consequently) warm beer AND the plastic cup! Imagine the number of plastic cups going into landfills and oceans while we are enjoying ourselves. It''s pretty mind-blowing when you start thinking about it. So much plastic (and beer?) wasted...
So, what's the best way to enjoy a cold brew while also being environmentally conscious? Yes, environmentally-conscious beer drinking is a thing! Sounds complicated and weird but it's genius. Why? because instead of using multiple plastic cups, you use your own stainless steel cup!
As many of you already know, The Wynwood Yard and Debris Free Oceans joined forces to bring us the greatest idea ever for beer drinkers, as well as juice, smoothies, and lemonade drinkers…. the reusable Klean Kanteen cup. Not only are these cups significantly reducing the number of plastic cups being used, they also keep your beer (or lemonade) cold for a longer period of time. GENIUS!
You can purchase these Klean Kanteen cups from The Bar at The Yard. You get $1 back on every draft beer purchased at The Bar at The Yard forever after. The Yard ALSO offers plenty of local craft brews, which not only reduces our carbon footprint, but also supports local craftspeople who care about sustainability and quality. It's a win-win!
Bartender Courtney with our reusable cup at The Bar at The Yard: Get $1 off every draft beer purchase forever when you use this cup
On Saturday, April 21st, The Bar at the Yard celebrates Earth Day at The Yard with a six-hour long happy hour. So you have ALL day to propose a toast to Mother Earth. From 12 pm to 6 pm enjoy $6 beers and keg wines, featuring our local sponsors Concrete Beach Brewery, Saltwater Brewery, and South Beach Brewing Company who sponsored kegs for a good cause.
But wait there's more:
When you buy ANY of the following beers (in a Klean Kanteen cup we hope) proceeds go to environmental organizations:
Concrete Beach proceeds go to Surfrider Miami, an organization dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of our world’s oceans, waves, and beaches.
Saltwater Brewing proceeds go to Debris Free Oceans, an association that inspires local communities to responsibly manage the lifecycle of plastics and waste as part of a global effort to eradicate marine debris.
South Beach Brewing proceeds go to VolunteerCleanup.Org, a couple on a mission to raise awareness about marine debris through education, activism, and action.
The Wynwood Yard is also reducing waste and the need for recycling, as we have turned to keg wine for our white and red house options at Bar at the Yard. They are also $6 from 12-6pm. We reduce & reuse what we can, then recycle everything else that is recyclable. (We wish plastic cups were recyclable but in Miami… they’re not. Bring your reusable one!)
Since we're on the topic of environmental activism... and drinking beer... This month we have a very special Keg & Clean as part of our larger Earth Day / Earth Month celebration at The Wynwood Yard. We’ll spend the day celebrating our earth and learning more about what we can do to reduce our carbon footprint, one step at a time. We'll finish up the day of fun, education, and activities with real action... cleaning up our city streets.
Included in the $20 participation fee is a reusable Klean Kanteen cup, a complimentary draft beer at the entry to the cleanup, PLUS $1 back on every draft beer purchased ever at The Bar at The Yard forever after. Besides the regular clean-up materials (trash bags, gloves, pickers, directions), you'll receive sponsored bites and drinks as we travel through the neighborhood, making pit stops at Division Surf & Skate Shop, Concrete Beach Brewery, and R House with Bousa Beer. Finish at the Yard around 6:30 pm. Proceeds raised will benefit Debris Free Oceans and Surfrider Miami. Pre-register here.
Environmentally-conscious drinking is a culture shift. It's all about becoming aware of the activities we engage in that we consider normal, but are in fact are harming our environment. You can still have fun and go out for a beer, but take your cup with you, and inspire others to be part of a new eco-conscious cultural norm.